G20 Working Group to Discuss Gender and Corruption on India's Request

Following India's request, the working group will delve into the intersection of gender sensitivity and anti-corruption strategies, aiming to build a consensus on the issue.

Srajan Girdonia
New Update
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The second G-20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) meeting is set to commence in Rishikesh on Thursday, with a special focus on exploring the impact of corruption on women. Following India's request, the working group will delve into the intersection of gender sensitivity and anti-corruption strategies, aiming to build a consensus on the issue. Union Minister Jitendra Singh revealed that the meeting would also address the role of audit institutions and the need for a unified definition of economic offenders.

In an effort to emphasize the significance of this topic, India has organized a distinct event that aims to shed light on the G-20's perspective on synergizing gender sensitivity with anti-corruption efforts. The event will run parallel to the ACWG meeting and provide an opportunity for member countries to share experiences and best practices in empowering women through anti-corruption initiatives.

S. Radha Chauhan, the Secretary of the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), highlighted the primary focus of the meeting. Chauhan stated that the discussions would revolve around the establishment of an informational framework for networking, information sharing, and the prevention of safe havens that could be exploited by fugitive economic offenders.

India's initiative in pushing for a gender-oriented approach to combating corruption showcases the country's commitment to strengthening its fight against this pervasive issue. By highlighting its own experiences, where anti-corruption measures have contributed to the empowerment of women, India aims to set an example for other G-20 nations.

Corruption: A Dire Issue Worldwide

The G-20, consisting of the world's major economies, has taken on the responsibility of addressing global challenges, including corruption. The summit brings together leaders from various nations to foster cooperation and generate strategies to combat corruption and its detrimental effects on economies and societies.

Additional statistics related to the G-20 summit reveal the extent of the issue and the importance of concerted efforts to tackle corruption worldwide. According to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2022, corruption remains a significant problem globally, with two-thirds of countries scoring below 50 on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates highly corrupt and 100 signifies very clean. These statistics underscore the pressing need for collective action and international collaboration to combat corruption effectively.

Moreover, the World Bank estimates that corruption drains approximately $2.6 trillion annually from the global economy. This staggering figure emphasizes the economic impact of corruption and the urgency to implement robust anti-corruption measures.

G-20 Anti-Corruption Working Group

As the G-20 Anti-Corruption Working Group meeting gets underway, participants anticipate fruitful discussions and the formulation of concrete steps to address corruption's gendered effects. By prioritizing the intersection of gender and corruption, the G-20 aims to develop a comprehensive approach that recognizes the specific vulnerabilities faced by women and fosters their empowerment through anti-corruption strategies.

With India leading the charge in highlighting the connection between gender sensitivity and anti-corruption efforts, the hope is that other G-20 nations will follow suit and contribute to the development of a cohesive global strategy against corruption. As the fight against corruption gains momentum within the G-20, the international community anticipates substantial progress in tackling this global menace and fostering more equitable and transparent societies.