Study Reveals Alarming 6.5% Mortality Rate among COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients in the Year Following Infection

The ICMR study specifically focused on patients with moderate to severe disease, revealing an alarming mortality rate consistent with international statistics.

Srajan Girdonia
New Update

In a recent breakthrough study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), it has been found that individuals who were hospitalized with COVID-19 had a startlingly high mortality rate of nearly 6.5% in the year that followed. The findings, while raising concerns, also bring global trends into perspective. Analyzing a cohort of 14,419 patients across 31 hospitals, the study delved into various aspects of the disease's impact, uncovering critical insights into post-COVID-19 conditions and vulnerable populations.

Exploring the Major Findings

The comprehensive study, based on hospitalization data since September 2020, encompassed cases linked to the original, delta, or omicron coronavirus variants. It specifically focused on patients with moderate to severe disease, revealing an alarming mortality rate consistent with international statistics. However, the study's scope extended beyond mere mortality rates.

Beyond the distressing mortality figures, the research spotlighted the prevalence of post-COVID-19 conditions among survivors. Around 17.1% of participants reported experiencing lingering health issues including lethargy, breathlessness, and cognitive abnormalities such as brain fog and concentration difficulties. Strikingly, the study found that those afflicted by these conditions faced almost three times higher mortality rates.

Defining Post-COVID-19 Conditions

The ICMR study adopted a comprehensive perspective on post-COVID-19 conditions. Given that official definitions from organizations like the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emerged after patient enrollment, the study formulated its own criteria. It defined post-COVID-19 conditions as the persistence or new onset of symptoms like fatigue, breathlessness, and cognitive impairments.

Vaccination's Impact and Risk Factors

The research underscored the significance of vaccination, revealing that even a single vaccine dose administered prior to infection could potentially reduce one's risk of mortality within the first year by 60%. On the other hand, certain demographics remained more susceptible to severe outcomes.

Factors like comorbidity, age, and gender played crucial roles in determining mortality risk. Individuals with a single comorbid condition faced a staggering over 9-fold increase in the likelihood of dying within a year of infection. Moreover, males were 1.3 times more likely to succumb to the disease, while those aged 60 and above faced a 2.6 times higher risk. Disturbingly, children between the ages of 0 and 18 were found to be at a 5.6 times higher risk of death within the first year following infection, with a significant portion of these deaths occurring beyond the initial four weeks.

Expert Insights and Implications

A former ICMR scientist associated with the study highlighted the crucial role of comorbidities as a major risk factor. He stressed the necessity for individuals with comorbid conditions, such as liver cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease, to take stringent precautions and closely monitor their health in consultation with medical professionals.

Dr. Suranjit Chaterjee, a senior consultant of internal medicine at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, cautioned that while long COVID-19 could impact individuals with mild initial infections, there was also a tendency to over-diagnose such cases. He emphasized the need to carefully differentiate between genuine long-term COVID-19 effects and other potential causes of persisting symptoms.

Balancing Precaution and Vaccination

Dr. Chaterjee addressed the question of additional vaccine doses for those at risk, explaining that currently, the disease primarily manifests as mild upper respiratory symptoms like cough and cold in most individuals. This suggests that additional vaccine doses may not be necessary at the moment.

The ICMR study has provided a substantial leap in understanding the long-term consequences of COVID-19 infections, shedding light on the various risk factors and implications that can guide public health strategies moving forward. As researchers continue to investigate the intricacies of the virus and its aftermath, the findings of this study will serve as a cornerstone for policy-making and medical interventions in the ongoing battle against the pandemic.